Presenting a Model for Deciding About the Proper System for Safety Promotion of Rural Roads by Fuzzy Inference System

Document Type : Scientific - Research


1 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran

2 Faculty of Engineering, Shahid Bahonar University, Kerman, Iran


Traffic safety is one of the main challenging issues in transportation engineering. Hhuman factor in most reports has also been announced as an effective factor in accidents. Various methods have been proposed for controlling and warning drivers in order to prevent violations. The methods can be classified into traditional and modern categories. Nowadays applying intelligent transportation systems are so popular, but deciding about their application is done often based on personal judgments. However, these systems have various benefits and disadvantages and each one must be applied in the proper case. In this paper we want to compare 4 scenarios containing 1- No control 2- Controlling by police 3- Applying cameras and 4- Intelligent transportation systems in the road. These scenarios are different in application, cost of application, precision and proportionality to the road classification. Here, a model for decision making based on 7 criteria and by Fuzzy Inference System would be developed. Then the proposed model would be tested for a case study in Kerman County for 5 rural roads. Results indicate that the proposed model can be a helpful method in order to decide about selecting the proper scenario to control the rural roads based on technical and economic criteria.


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