A Numerical Study on Aircraft's Gear Configuration on Airport Pavement damages

Document Type : Scientific - Research


According to the growing trend of aircraft industry,a variety of different airplanes exist in this market which vary in type of use,figure (geometry) and gear configuration. In this article, we use the latest Federal Aviation Administration software for a numeral study and research about effect of Airbus and Boeing gear configuration on airfield's runway rigid and flexible pavements. Cumulative damage factor (CDF) is the amount of the structural fatigue life of a pavement which has been used up, and this research calculates this amount for Airbus and Boeing airplanes. This research shows that B-777 among Boeing aircrafts, and A-340 among Airbus aircrafts, have the most damage on flexible and rigid pavements. Furthermor, the Cumulative Damage Factor contribution on rigid and flexible pavements are compared for both Boeing and Airbus aircrafts.
