Number of Volumes 15
Number of Issues 59
Number of Articles 687
Number of Contributors 1,023
Article View 692,256
PDF Download 1,322,486
View Per Article 1007.65
PDF Download Per Article 1925.02
Number of Submissions 1,639
Rejected Submissions 735
Reject Rate 45
Accepted Submissions 581
Acceptance Rate 35
Time to Accept (Days) 233
Number of Indexing Databases 6
Number of Reviewers 743

Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering

In order to expand, advance and promote the scientific transportation of the country and improve educational and research affairs in the fields of engineering and management of transportation infrastructure such as road, air, rail, sea and combined subdivisions and publish the latest scientific and research findings, Transportation Engineering Quarterly since 2009 has started operating.

This magazine is published with the participation of the Iranian Transportation Engineering Association.

The most important topics of this magazine are:

-Transport infrastructure

-Traffic engineering and geometric design

-Transportation planning and demand and supply management

-Transport safety

-Transportation of intelligent systems

-Transportation of maintenance machinery and equipment

-Transport infrastructure

-Other topics related to transportation engineering

The scientific-research validity of this quarterly has been communicated through the letter No. 3/10695 dated 12/28/2008 of the Ministry of Science, Research and Technology.

The Quarterly Journal of Transportation Engineering is based on pure arbitration and is open to the public.

Respecting the rules of ethics in publications, this publication is subject to the rules of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and follows the executive regulations of the Law on Prevention and Combating Fraud in Scientific Works.

The journal is indexed in the databases of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), the University Jihad Science Information Database (SID), the Knowledge Reference (Civilica), and the Magiran Database. The quarterly is also a member of the LinkedIn social network.

Current Issue: Volume 15, Issue 2 - Serial Number 59, January 2024, Pages 3439-3684 

Scientific - Research

Simulation of Autonomous Vehicles by Using Machine Learning Methods

Pages 3483-3507


alireza hoveidafard; Sina Fard moradinia; Babak Golchin; Ali ghaffari

Keywords Cloud

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