Prioritization Evaluable Behavioral Parameters with Driving Simulators for Tehran Metropolis

Document Type : Scientific - Research


Assistant Professor, Department of Geotechnics and Transportation, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Water and Environment, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran


The main causes of traffic accidents include human, road, environment and vehicle, among which the largest share is related to the human factor. So human factors should be prioritized during traffic safety studies. Despite the relatively large investment in two sectors that affect accidents, which are roads and vehicles, the efficiency corresponding to these costs is not achieved In Iran. One of the issues and problems of traffic safety studies is the behavioral evaluation of vehicle drivers, which has been replaced by the use of car driving simulators due to the dangers in the actual process. In this research, car driving simulators were investigated in order to identify the most important indicators that can evaluated by these devices. This process helps to improve and systematically control the use of existing simulators, and to build and provide suitable new simulations in accordance with the needs and priorities of the city of Tehran. The analysis of factors that can be evaluated by the simulator device through multi-criteria methods revealed that risk perception and speed selection are among the most important factors, and eye movements and visual search, as well as the driver's behavior when facing a traffic light, will be among the least important ones.


Main Subjects

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