Extending the norm activation model to investigate the consumers’ intention to use sidewalk autonomous delivery robot as a green delivery

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Civil Engineering, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor -K.N.Toosi University of Technology


Sidewalk autonomous delivery robots (SADRs) are an emerging last-mile delivery technology. This technology as a green method can solve many transportation and environmental problems in the future. This study seeks to identify environmental perspectives influencing the adoption of sidewalk autonomous delivery robots as a green delivery method by Iranian online shoppers. Thus, a new extended model based on the norm activation model (NAM) is proposed. After designing an online questionnaire and implementing it in the Google Forms platform, 287 data were collected through social media and online messengers. About 52% of the participants were not yet familiar with delivery robots. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was used for modeling. The results revealed that problem awareness (0.33), ascribed responsibility (0.211), and environmental concern (0.285) were observed to have significant and positive influences on personal norm. Also, it was found that personal norm (0.464) positively affected the intention to use delivery robots. Among the control variables, monthly household income (0.136) and delivery robot familiarity (0.152) had a positive and significant effect on intention. The results of the present work not only provide theoretical contributions to the literature of delivery robots but also are practically helpful to delivery planners and marketers.


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